Career Development and Mentoring

Nov 28, 2017 | Other Events, Previous Early Career Events

Career development and mentoring occurs within the context of all academic departments. The AGPI Executive is committed to providing additional and complementary forms of career development and mentoring for academics from all disciplinary backgrounds.

An inaugural Career Development Workshop was hosted by the Graduate Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, October 2014. This has now become an annual event the purpose of which is to promote networking and skill development for early and mid-career academics.

2015 NUI G

2016 RCSI

2017 UCD

There is an opportunity for mentoring through the Society of Academic Primary Care Mentorship Programme, established 2012. This is designed to support both medical and primary health care scientists  (ie non-medical colleagues)  working in departments of Primary Care, who, because of their heterogeneous core disciplines have no other single support scheme. Professor Anne MacFarlane UL is the ‘champion’ in Ireland for this Programme.